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Nova Iorque

1762, 25 Julho, Newport. Carta de Moses Lopez, Parnas da congregação de Newport, para Joseph Simson e Samuel Judah, Parnassim da Shearith Israel de Nova Iorque / Letter from Moses Lopez, Parnas of the Mahamad of Newport congregation to Joseph Simson and Samuel Judah, Parnassim of the Shearith Israel of New York

American Jewish Historical Society, The Lyons Collection, no. 182, in Manuel Josephson, “Items relating to the Jews of Newport”, Publications of the American Historical Society, no. 27, vol. II, 1920, pp. 183-184
Moses Lopez; Joseph Simson; Samuel Judah; Samuel Judah; Samuel Hart; Haym Myers; Newport; Nova Iorque; Sinagoga; Shearith Israel;
Moses Lopez, enquanto Parnas do Mahamad da congregação de Newport, endereça a Joseph Simson e Samuel Judah, Parnassim da Shearith Israel de Nova Iorque, o pedido de ajuda da colecta de ofertas de mobiliário e ornamentos para a sinagoga de Newport, então ainda em construção. Lopez enumera as ofertas que haviam angariado até ao momento: Samuel Judah ofertou um Tamid, Samuel Hart algumas velas e Haym Myers uma quantidade de cera.

Moses Lopez requests help for collecting furniture and utensils for the new synagogue of Newport, already under construction. He also lists some of the offerings made at the moment: a Tamid from Samuel Judah; some candlesticks from Samuel Hart and 100lb wax from Haym Myers.

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1822-1830 (circa), Nova Iorque. Excerto de uma carta de Sarah Lopez à amiga e parente Priscilla Lopez sobre a história da sua família. / Extract of a letter from Sarah Lopez to her relative Priscilla Lopez on the history of their family.

Max J. Kohler, “The Lopez and Rivera Families of Newport”, Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society, no. 2, 1984, pp. 101-106
Nova Iorque; Sarah Lopez; Família Lopes; Família Rivera; Genealogia
Excerto de uma carta encontrada por Max J. Kohler na posse de H. Gomez. Escrita entre 1822 e 1830 por Sarah Lopez para uma parente em Charleston na qual aborda, entre outros factos, as origens da sua família. Sarah remonta até ao sogro Diogo José Lopes e à sua vida em Portugal, passando pela partida dos filhos para Inglaterra e América do Norte. Nesta carta são evidenciados os laços de parentesco entre as famílias Lopez e Rivera, os quais precedem o estabelecimento na América do Norte.

This letter, belonging to H. Gomez, was found by Max J. Kohler. It would be written between 1822 and 1830 by Sarah Lopez, Aaron Lopez's widow. She mentions, among other facts, some episodes of her family history, namely her father-in-laws's life in Portugal and the departure of his sons to England and North America. She also put in evidence the kinship ties betweem Lopez and Rivera families, showing that these preceeding their settlement in America.

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Família Lopez
As raízes portuguesas